At First Baptist Clifton, we want to provide an environment in which children are safe, are taught at an age-appropriate level, and are encouraged to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ. Our hope is that we can be the spark that ignites a deeper sense of identity, belonging, and mission in each child we serve.
Childcare is provided for bed babies and toddlers. We have recently updated our nursery with new cribs and toys. Kynli, Sarah, Kim, and Riley are experienced and wonderful with children. The recent addition of our fish tank has been a HUGE hit with our little ones. Our nursery is monitored by recorded CCTV to ensure the safety of all.
Wednesday nights are wonderful for families with young children! Throughout the year we offer a free meal for kids at 6:00pm, followed by fun, hands-on missions activities for kids grades 1-6. During the summer months, kids’ missions begins at 6:45 pm (during adult Bible study). During the school year, the schedule for kids begins at 6:30 pm and is expanded to include music! We have a vibrant children’s choir and our kids love singing periodically in the Sunday morning worship service. The children’s choir also leads the entire worship service a couple of times each year along with the performance of a Christmas musical!
Activities are also planned for preschoolers on Wednesday nights and our nursery is available for infants and toddlers.
4th– 6th Graders are invited to attend Children’s Bible Drill on Sunday nights from 6pm – 7pm in the small fellowship hall. Having taught Bible Drill for over 15 years, Phillip and Pam Mitchell have an organized program that begins in September and concludes with the State Drill in April. Bible Drill helps children increase in their knowledge of the Bible, develops skills in locating Bible books and key passages, and children learn how to apply the Bible to their lives.