Women's Ministry
Short-term Ladies’ Bible studies are hosted two times each year. Groups typically meet on Monday evenings at 6:30 p.m. and Tuesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. in the fall and spring. The study is usually 8-12 weeks long and involves weekly personal study and a discussion of the week’s study followed by a DVD presentation. We enjoy Bible Studies by inspiring Bible teachers. For more information, contact Lola Williams at 254-675-1720 .

Men's Ministry
Join us for meaningful fellowship and spiritual growth through our Men’s Ministry. Discover the depth of God’s word at our Tuesday night Bible study in the parlor at 6:30 PM, and uplift one another through prayer at our Thursday morning prayer group at 7 AM. Experience the power of brotherhood as we come together to strengthen our faith and support one another on our journey of loving Jesus, making disciples, and building His Kingdom.