Missions Partners

Clifton, Texas

Clifton Ministerial Alliance

First Baptist Clifton is also an active supporter of our local ministerial alliance. This collective effort among churches in our area focuses on meeting community needs and sharing the love of Jesus Christ. From coordinating resources to fostering unity among local congregations, the alliance enhances our church’s mission—Loving Jesus. Making Disciples. Building His Kingdom.

Bosque County, Texas

Bosque Baptist Association

We’re a proud member of the Bosque Baptist Association, a network of Baptist churches working together to advance the Kingdom of God in our county. Through this association, we collaborate on mission work, share resources, and strengthen our community impact.


Haden & Helen Outlaw – Good News Honduras & Trujillo Coffee Co.

Haden & Helen are our very own homegrown missionaries making a difference in Trujillo, Honduras. Not only are they spreading the Gospel, but they’ve also founded the Trujillo Coffee Company to financially support their mission work. When you enjoy a cup of their coffee, you’re not just savoring quality brew, you’re helping to advance God’s Kingdom. Haden grew up right here at First Baptist Clifton and his parents are still active members of our congregation.


Lauren Robertson-Manzano – Para Peru

Lauren is another missionary with ties to Bosque County and one we’re proud to support. Her organization, Para Peru, is all about sharing the love of Jesus Christ in Peru, both spiritually and practically. Through Para Peru, she’s committed to spreading the Gospel, training local believers, and meeting real-world needs.

Southeast Asia

Stacey Wensil – Freedom’s Promise

We’re also proud to back Stacey Wensil and her work with Freedom’s Promise, an organization committed to preventing human trafficking and restoring communities. They work tirelessly to bring hope, justice, and a brighter future for vulnerable individuals.

South Texas & Mexico

Grace of Giving

We’re also excited to support Grace of Giving, a group that’s been around since 2004, focusing their efforts on the Texas/Mexico border. They equip existing mission teams with food, personal necessities, and Bibles, empowering them to continue sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.