Music Ministry
Worship is a central part of the purpose and mission of our church, and singing is an indispensable part of worship! The music ministry of FBC Clifton seeks to lead people to encounter God each week through vibrant, heartfelt singing.
We deeply appreciate the value of traditional hymns as well as newer contemporary songs that help us articulate the praise of our Lord and Savior.
You may be a singer/musician who is interested in joining our music ministry team, a regular “pew filler” who enjoys worship, or you may be a curious visitor who simply wants to check things out. Whatever place you are coming from, you are welcome at First Baptist!
Every year, musical groups from Bosque County Baptist Churches gather at FBC Clifton for a night of music and worship. Bring a choir, small ensemble, quartet, trio, duet, soloist, instrumentalist, or whatever! All are welcome to offer praise!
Kids love to sing and music is a wonderful way to help kids grow spiritually! Kid’s Choir provides a place for kids to sing awesome songs, learn about Jesus and be challenged in their faith. Our kids are scheduled to sing in Sunday worship services as often as we can. The kids even lead the entire worship service a couple of times each year! The kids will also perform a Christmas musical on Sunday, December 17th.
Kid’s Choir meets each Wednesday night following our Fellowship Meal that begins at 6 pm. Kids Choir is coordinated with our Kids Missions Activities which meet from 6:30 – 8:00 pm. Both activities are divided into two age groups: Grades 1-3 and Grades 4-6.